Pleasure Dome Theatre Company
Who we are

To create exceptional entertainment and artistic experiences that engage, challenge and delight.
To create professional work for a diverse range of artists living in and from the South West.
To offer career pathways and mentorship to those who aspire to work professionally but have limited opportunities because of rural isolation or socio-economic disadvantage.
To create opportunities for members of the community to work within a professional company and enjoy all the benefits of such an experience.
To be a theatre company Exmoor can be proud of and tell Exmoor stories
“Creativity takes courage”- We acknowledge the bravery and vulnerability that it takes to create. We facilitate rehearsal spaces that support and encourage our artists to access their full potential and feel true ownership over work regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, age, or disability. We are truly collaborative.
“Theatre in the wild”- We are proud of the natural landscape that surrounds and inspires us in Exmoor and the South West. We celebrate our cultural and literary heritage in work that showcases this extraordinary part of the world.
“Open hearts”- We are open to working with anyone and can be easily contacted. We recognise that everyone has something to contribute and do not discriminate based on level of experience, training, or background. We recognise that diversity is a strength and believe that the right people for the project are the ones that want to be there.
“Female led”- We are quietly radical in our interpretations of classical theatre and the creation of new work. We recognise that women are often deprived of opportunities in theatre and experience significantly increased competition in the arts so our work centres on female narratives in an attempt to redress that imbalance.
"I decided to found Pleasure Dome in 2015 after a lifetime of thinking someone should do some theatre at The Valley of Rocks. I spent my early summers scrambling up and down it's weaving pathways and peering out to sea. I always thought it was an otherworldly and magical location, somewhere not quite of this planet, a place where the sea meets the sky, a place where imagination meets reality, and I can think of nowhere more fitting to perform in. " Helena - Creative Director